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Best Hemorrhoid Surgery in Orange County - Orange County Hemorrhoid Clinic

Approximately 10 million Americans suffer from hemorrhoids.

However, only about 3 1/2 million people actually seek treatment for inflamed or swollen anal/rectal veins. While it is possible to self-treat irritations also referred to as piles, putting off treatment of painful or bleeding hemorrhoids can sometimes lead to other problems and complications.

If you've reached a point where you're actively searching for the best hemorrhoid surgery in Orange County for your specific needs, take a moment to consider what types of surgery could help you enjoy much-appreciated relief.

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External Thrombectomy

If a hemorrhoid develops a blood clot, it's called a thrombosed hemorrhoid. The best hemorrhoid surgery in Orange County for this particular problem is a procedure referred to as an external thrombectomy. After applying local anesthesia, a surgeon makes a small incision to drain the clot. Most patients experience noticeable relief soon after the procedure is performed.

Rubber Band Ligation

With swollen rectal veins that are smaller or not affected by clots or other complications, the best hemorrhoid surgery in Orange County may be rubber band ligation. During the procedure, circulation to the hemorrhoid is cut off with elastic bands. The swollen tissues usually wither, shrink, and die shortly after surgery.

Best Hemorrhoid Surgery in Orange County - Orange County Hemorrhoid Clinic

Best Hemorrhoid Surgery in Orange County - Orange County Hemorrhoid Clinic


A hemorrhoidectomy is surgery performed to remove hemorrhoids, both internal and external ones. While there are complication risks associated with removal, it is considered the most effective surgical treatment for hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoidectomy may be the best hemorrhoid surgery in Orange County for your needs under the following circumstances:

  • You have mixed internal and external hemorrhoids
  • Related issues with tissues and veins need to be corrected
  • You have a strangulated hemorrhoid
  • Minimally invasive options weren't successful
  • You're not a good candidate for less-invasive options

Closed Hemorrhoidectomy

Often performed on internal hemorrhoids, a closed hemorrhoidectomy involves the surgical removal of hemorrhoidal bundles with a scalpel, scissors, laser, or similar instrument. The wound is then closed with absorbable sutures.

Open Hemorrhoidectomy

With an open hemorrhoidectomy, removal of the affected tissue is the same as what's done with a closed version of this procedure. The main difference is that the incision is left open. This may be done because it's difficult to close the wound or because there is high risk of post-surgery infection.

Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy

Sometimes referred to as Longo's procedure or a circular stapler hemorrhoidopexy, a stapled hemorrhoidectomy is an alternative to full removal surgery for internal hemorrhoids. During the procedure, a circular stapling device is used to trim the edges of the excess tissue. Doing so allows the hemorrhoid to return to a normal position. This surgical option also interrupts the hemorrhoid's blood supply.

Ultimately, the best hemorrhoid surgery in Orange County is any procedure that improves your quality of life. Following surgery, frequent sitz baths may minimize discomfort. You may also be advised to add more fiber to your diet, up your consumption of water, and make an effort to keep moving with regular exercise to prevent constipation. It can also be helpful if you don't fight the urge to go. For minor post-surgery flare-ups, over-the-counter medicated pads, ointments, and creams may provide relief.

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At Orange County Hemorrhoid Clinic, we are committed to providing you with rapid relief from hemorrhoids and related ailments. Get compassionate care that involves the latest in surgical techniques for fast recovery.
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