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Surgical procedures will always come with a relatively lengthy recovery time that requires you to follow strict guidelines if you want to heal as quickly as possible. The same is true for a hemorrhoidectomy. If you want the treatment to be 100 percent successful, it’s important that your recovery process is a smooth and efficient one.

What Is a Hemorrhoidectomy?

If you’ve been diagnosed with hemorrhoids and find that over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes aren’t enough to get rid of them, it might be necessary for you to obtain a hemorrhoidectomy. This is a type of surgical procedure that’s aimed at removing the hemorrhoids altogether. The surgeon who administers this treatment will place several small incisions around the anus, through which the hemorrhoids will be removed.

You can either be provided with general anesthesia or local anesthesia, the former of which puts you to sleep. Once the hemorrhoids have been removed, the incisions will be closed with stitches. Even though this surgery is considered to be a moderately invasive surgery, you will likely be able to go home on the same day of the treatment.

What the Recovery Process Entails

After the hemorrhoidectomy has been completed, you will begin the recovery process, which is invariably going to be at its worst on the first day. You should expect to go through pains and aches around the incision site for anywhere from 2-4 weeks. This pain can be very uncomfortable because of its location, which is why you might want to consider using pain relievers to aid your recovery. Some light bleeding will likely occur from the anus as well, which is entirely normal and can last for upwards of two months. This bleeding will take place with your bowel movements.

After a couple of weeks have passed, you should be able to return to your everyday activities without much issues. However, you want to avoid doing certain activities that will place too much stress on the body, which include straining during bowel movements and lifting heavy items. Make sure that you add fiber to your diet throughout this process, which ensures that your bowel movements are much easier.

Another great way to avoid straining and constipation is by drinking water consistently as you recover. While you’re at home, make sure that you rest whenever you feel tired. You should prepare to take two weeks off of work while the recovery process is ongoing. As long as you follow these guidelines, you shouldn’t experience any problems while recovering from a hemorrhoidectomy.

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At Orange County Hemorrhoid Clinic, we are committed to providing you with rapid relief from hemorrhoids and related ailments. Get compassionate care that involves the latest in surgical techniques for fast recovery.
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